Founded by:
Pastor Gennaro Russo and Lonna Russo
Full Gospel Assembly
Brother Phil Noel,
A church you can call home...
Jesus loves you and so do we!
Father's House Fellowship, Welcomes you to our church family; we are glad and honored to share this website this day with you. As we worship God's risen Son, we hope that God touches your life and one day hope to meet you so we can worship side by side. And as you look through our website, we pray that our God inspires you to look our way and join us if God's willing. I pray that "the peace of God that passes all understanding, keep your heart and mind through Jesus Christ."
Services are held in our main sanctuary:
Sunday School- 10:00 AM
Sunday service- 11:00 AM
Monday Prayer - 12:00 PM
Wednesday service- 7:00 PM
Friday Youth For Christ- 7:00 PM
Our Mission
To engage everyone whether in words and deeds, by a transformative message that fosters humility and unity so we can do exceedingly and abundantly through our Lord Jesus Christ!
We will Continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of Our Lord Jesus.
Latest News
Please join us:
Monday at 12PM for Prayer
Wednesdays at 7PM for Bible class.
Friday at 7PM for Youth for Christ with games and teaching.
Sunday morning at 9:45AM for Sunday School and
Church service at 11AM with praise and worship.​​
We invite to join our mailing list and receive emails we send out with news, or special service schedules